In November 2022, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the Pipeline SMS Industry Team published Pipeline SMS: A Contractor’s Guide (Guide) to give pipeline contractors and service providers an enhanced understanding of how the scope of their work should be integrated with an operator’s Pipeline SMS. The Guide distills API RP 1173’s 234 requirements down to 56 key requirements where, depending on a contractor’s or service provider’s scope of work, operators can focus their collaboration efforts to ensure alignment with their Pipeline SMS.
As a complement to this Guide, API and the Pipeline SMS Industry Team have produced a tool that can aid contractors and service providers in gauging the implementation of the 56 key requirements in the Guide. Today, this new tool is published on and helps the user build their implementation plan as well as gauge their implementation and maturity of the requirements.
API will present this tool at the API Pipeline Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, the week of May 1st. We will also join the Pipeline and Gas Journal (PGJ) on a May 11, 2023 webcast to review the tool and answer questions the industry may have. All who are interested are encouraged to register and attend this event debuting the tool.