View RP 1175 Leak Detection brochures, fact sheets, FAQs and implementation tools
Mission and Objectives
The desired goal of any pipeline operator is to maintain a robust leak detection program to facilitate appropriate actions to prevent adverse impacts to infrastructure, the environment, and public safety. The guidance in API Recommended Practice (RP) 1175, Pipeline Leak Detection – Program Management, provides the needed framework to develop sound practices within a pipeline company. This RP:
- Provides liquid pipeline operators with guidance on development, implementation, and management of a sustainable Leak Detection Program (LDP) to minimize the size and consequences of leak events; while the focus is on liquid pipeline operation, the philosophy of the RP can be extended to gas pipeline operation.
- Provides pipeline operators with enhanced guidance on selection of leak detection systems (LDSs) using a risk-based approach and establishes performance measures for the capabilities of these systems.
- Provides information on how to address identified gaps.
- Provides guidance in developing, maintaining and managing a pipeline LDP that conforms to current pipeline regulations, as well as encourages pipeline operators to “go beyond” in order to promote the advancement or stronger utilization of LDPs in hazardous liquid pipelines.