September 13,
SMS Team Members,
I hope you all had a restful and relaxing summer! As schools start up again
and vacations wind down, the Pipeline SMS Industry Team looks forward to an
eventful fall as we continue to make implementation real and achievable for
pipeline operators.
This summer, the Pipeline SMS Industry Team has had several significant
implementation developments. Shawn Lyon, of Marathon Pipe Line and Industry
Team Chair, presented at a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
investigative hearing in July on the value of safety management systems,
leading the NTSB Chairman to congratulate the pipeline industry for moving
so quickly to implement safety management systems. In early September, the
Evaluation Tool and Guidance Instructions were published and are available on
the website here.
Additionally, the Industry Team met at API’s offices in Washington, DC to
update the Team on subteam activities, agree on Industry Team governance,
review the Voluntary Third-Party Assessment structure and learn about a
member company’s SMS tracking database.
As fall kicks off, we hope you will join us for the Pipeline
SMS Industry Tools Workshop on October 10 at the San Luis Hotel in
Galveston, TX. The workshop will feature small group breakouts where
participants will learn about six Pipeline SMS program elements through
discussions and question and answer sessions with facilitators familiar
with implementation tools and program elements. For registration, hotel or
additional information, please use this
Lastly, please be on the lookout for a 10-15 minute survey from the
Pipeline SMS Industry Team on implementation progress. Responses will be
blinded and aggregated for inclusion in the 2018 Pipeline SMS Annual Report
and with PHMSA and other key stakeholders. Please feel free to send this
newsletter to anyone in your organization participating in Pipeline SMS,
and I welcome any thoughts, feedback or sharing any of you would like to
provide as we progress along our journey of Pipeline SMS implementation.
Thank you,
API Pipeline Manager
Publication of Evaluation Tool
In early
September, the Pipeline SMS Conformance Team finalized the Evaluation Tool
and Guidance Instructions, available here
on the website. The tool provides a simple method to document an evaluation
of an operator’s Pipeline SMS program on its conformance to the recommended
practice (levels 1-3 on the Maturity Model), its effectiveness in
implementation (level 4) and its effectiveness in improving pipeline safety
performance (level 5). The tool can be used by both internal and external
evaluators for gas distribution, gas transmission, and liquids pipelines.
Visit the website here
for the tool and guidance instructions, as well as the Evaluation
Tool webinar conducted in June for more information.
Free, Downloadable Version of
RP 1173
Pipeline SMS Industry Team is excited to announce that a free, downloadable
version of API Recommended Practice (RP)
1173, Pipeline Safety Management Systems is available here
on the website. With support from INGAA, AGA, APGA, AOPL and CEPA, API is
demonstrating the industry’s commitment to improving pipeline safety
performance by providing the RP, in its entirety, free of charge to any
pipeline operator.
August 30 Industry Team Meeting
Pipeline SMS Industry Team met at API’s offices in Washington, DC on August
30. Industry Team members, including representatives from API, AOPL, CEPA,
INGAA, AGA and APGA, reviewed Team governance, received an update on the
voluntary Third-Party Assessment structure and participated in an
information sharing from a member company on their SMS tracking database.
The Team also reviewed the Communications Subteam charter and viewed two
new videos on Pipeline SMS. Lastly, the Team prepared for the October 10
Implementation Tools Workshop and is encouraging additional presenters and
participants to attend.
APGA Commitment to Pipeline SMS
At their
July 25, 2018 APGA Annual Meeting, APGA members adopted the “APGA
Commitment to Pipeline Safety”, which demonstrates members’ dedication to
the essential elements of pipeline safety: fostering a positive employee
safety culture, communicating with stakeholders, implementing safe work
practices, and enhancing pipeline integrity. While many elements of the
commitment are aligned with existing pipeline safety regulatory
requirements, APGA’s resolution is built upon a dedication to continuous
improvement, including going above and beyond to ensure the safety of the
pipelines operated by APGA members. The APGA Commitment to Pipeline Safety
can be viewed here.
Marathon Presentation to NTSB
Lyon, Vice President of Operations with Marathon Pipe Line and Chair of the
Industry Team, presented to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
on the value of safety management systems. NTSB invited Shawn to present on
the second day of their investigative
hearing on managing the safety of passenger railroads and wanted the
hearing participants to learn about the pipeline industry’s experience
developing and implementing a Pipeline SMS. In his presentation,
Shawn covered our industry’s journey, the benefits of an SMS and Marathon’s
experience to date. NTSB Chairman Robert Sumwalt congratulated the industry
for moving to implement the NTSB’s recommendation so quickly, praised the
benefits already seen and later remarked that Shawn’s was one of the best
SMS presentations he had ever seen. Great job to Shawn and the Marathon SMS
API Presentation to Energy
Pipeline Management Summit
Pipeline Manager David Murk presented to the Energy Pipeline Management
Summit on July 16 and 17 in Dallas, TX. The Summit offers a forum for
pipeline executives and solution providers to discuss and identify key
catalysts driving the future of the pipeline industry. Dave’s remarks
focused on the development of API RP 1173 and the journey that the pipeline
industry is currently experiencing as they implement Pipeline SMS across
the gas distribution, gas transmission and liquids pipeline segments.
Pipeline SMS Videos
AOPL has
developed a video titled “Pipeline SMS: Benefits” to communicate the value
and benefits of a Pipeline SMS. The video, which
is available on the Pipeline SMS website here,
features testimony from pipeline operators including MIPC and Marathon Pipe
Line and serves as an excellent tool to promote the benefits of Pipeline
SMS in improving pipeline safety performance. The video file can be
downloaded here
so pipeline operators on the journey of implementation can embed the video
on their websites or communications material to highlight the value of
Pipeline SMS.
INGAA Foundation Safety Culture
the first quarter of 2018, the INGAA Foundation commissioned a
report by Process Performance Improvement Consulting (P-PIC) and the
Center for Applied Psychological Research (CAPR) through the University of
Houston to provide a detailed account of how INGAA member companies
developed and executed the INGAA safety culture survey.
The main
goal of the report is to provide interested parties an overview of the
rationale for the safety culture project, as well as an overview of
results. Furthermore, the report is intended to provide regulators and
member company employees with an overview of the survey development
process, decision-making activities and the scientific and business
rationales for executing the survey. The INGAA Foundation hopes the report
will guide other pipeline trade organizations and industries that are
considering the development of an industry-wide survey to advance the
safety culture of their respective industries and contribute to the health
and well-being of their workforce and member organizations.
Evaluation Tool and API Third
Party Assessment
Evaluation Tool is now complete and is published on the website here.
API is continuing to work on the development of the API Third-Party
Assessment program, in particular developing training materials for the
Pipeline SMS assessors and planning the pilot to test the Third-Party
Assessment tools and process. It is expected that the pilot will be
conducted in the Fall 2018.
API RP 1173 eLearning Training
works continues with the six-person pipeline subject matter expert (SME)
team on developing eLearning for API RP 1173. The final outline has been
developed and approved and the team is working through resolving comments
on the draft of the training scripts, including the audio and video
content. Based on the extensive review required, launch is expected before
the end of 2018.
API RP 1175 eLearning Training
conjunction with the eLearning for API RP 1173, industry SMEs are working
with API to develop similar eLearning for API RP 1175, Leak
Detection Program Management. It will launch before the end of
the year as well.
International Pipeline
Conference & Exposition - September 25-27
Thursday, September 27, 2018, members of the Pipeline SMS Industry Team
will present a peer-reviewed paper at the International
Pipeline Conference (IPC) in Calgary, Alberta. Paper IPC2018-78656 Implementing
API RP 1173, Pipeline Safety Management Systems Tools and Resources to
Facilitate Industry Implementation explains the tools and reference
materials developed by the joint industry Pipeline SMS team as part of a
management system track at IPC where industry experts will discuss the
development of API RP 1173 and the journey pipeline operators are embarking
on as they implement the program for their unique operations and assets.
API will be hosting a booth featuring Pipeline SMS and pipeline safety
initiatives at the International
Pipeline Exposition (IPE), September 25-27, accompanying the IPC. We
hope you will come visit our booth, #1316, in the Upper
Level to find more information about recent Pipeline SMS developments
and additional pipeline safety initiatives.
Pipeline SMS Tools Workshop -
October 10
Pipeline SMS Team invites you to attend the Pipeline
SMS Tools Workshop on October 10, 2018 in Galveston, TX. The workshop
will feature small group breakout sessions where participants can apply the
implementation tools on specific program elements of Pipeline SMS alongside
industry experts. The workshop will focus on six particular elements of a
Pipeline SMS: Risk Management, Competence, Awareness & Training,
Operational Controls, Safety Assurance, Management Review/Key Performance
Indicators and API Voluntary Third-Party Assessment. The interactive
sessions will include question-and-answer blocks where participants can
identify operator-specific challenges or lessons learned with facilitators
who have experience using the implementation tools. We have several open
spots for presenters still available, so if you are interested and
available, please email Sam Minifie, minifies@api.org.
Registration, hotels and additional details are available here.
Copyright 2018 -
American Petroleum Institute, All rights reserved. www.api.org